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Investing in Girl Change-Makers in Ethiopia
Education Ethiopian Girls GGRF


We support girls during adolescence, when they’re most likely to drop out of school, by providing scholarships to reduce the barriers they face.

Support Athletes in Ethiopia


Girls Gotta Run is the only organization in Ethiopia to utilize running as a foundation for girls to develop personal agency, community, and mentorship.

Life Skills training Ethiopian Women

Life Skills

We establish programs that provide Ethiopian girls with the tools they need to navigate the challenges they face in adolescence.

Ethiopian Women Empowerment GGRF

Savings and Entrepreneurship

We foster financial resilience for families by investing in Girls Gotta Run mothers through funding, savings programs, and financial literacy training.


Feven & Her Mom Kebebush

Meet Feven, a Soddo Athletic Scholar, who lives far outside town. Feven is determined to get a good education, and was willing to make the 2-hour walk before joining our program, but her mother worried about her safety. Through GGRF support, Feven's family is now able to pay for transportation part of the way, and she has excellent attendance for school and running sessions!
Feven's mother, Kebebush Assefa, also thinks it is worth the long commute to be part of the GGRF Mothers' Group. Kebebush operates her own clothing retail business, and says the Group has provided valuable advice on saving money and a wonderful community of women who have become friends. Kebebush and Feven travel together to Soddo on Fridays when the Mothers' Group meets. 


Invest in a Girls Gotta Run Family


For $85/month you can fully fund the participation of a girl and her mom in the Girls Gotta Run Program this year.

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